Monday, April 30, 2007

Not much to report, week 2

I have concluded I should stop talking about sheetrock since we still don't have any. But the framer's trip to China apparently paid off for we passed our framing inspection last week without any problems.

A few folks raised questions about his trip to China. While the details of the trip should probably remain with him, I too found the whole concept alittle unusual.

I've known him for four or five years and have worked with him on several office building projects. I also know he, after a great deal of effort, got unmarried a year or so ago. Earlier this year I was talking with the lumber salesman who asked who I was going to use to frame the house. I mentioned this framer and he looked somewhat surprised and asked, "don't you know he is going to China?"

Actually, I didn't know that. And, when you think about it, scheduling the framer to come frame is an important piece of the house building puzzle. So I immediately sent word we had work and would be needing him to frame.

In the end all worked out well as he had time to frame the house before the plane left.

He apparently met the new Mrs. Framer (and her nine year old son) on the internet. And love came a-calling. I hope the rest of the story, which has yet to occur, will have a "happily ever after" ending. And I hope she learns to speak English without too much trouble.

On an unrelated subject, I think there are times in every ones life where they wonder what it is all about and what exactly is their purpose in life.

I received an email from my sister last week about the blog that may help shed some light on that topic for me. She wrote:

"After reviewing your blog last week, it occurs to me that not only can you do math, you also write. My next thought is why do I recall many home challenges during the third and fourth grade years with you "not working to potential"?"

I will admit there were some challenges in my educational career, which I am not proud of but did occur for many years (more than just the third and fourth grade). These challenges were usually triggered by . . .

- a note home from a teacher
- a phone call from a teacher
- a test or paper that had to be signed by a parent and returned to the teacher
- a parent-teacher conference or
- a report card

Invariable, the phrase "not working to potential" would come up, at which point my parents would implore me to work "up to potential". These sessions were usually traumatic (at least for me) and in the end I would agree to try harder, which unfortunately would only last for a week or two before I was back to watching Hogan's Heros and reading Popular Mechanics (where I could learn cool stuff about the tensile strength of bolts and how to bend wood and stuff like that).

(I should also add that once you saw the teacher do a problem a few times on the board, why did they have to beat it into the ground for the next week? We already saw it! And what's with this trying to find the symbolism in Franz Kafka's Metamorphosis? He's writing about a man who turned into a six foot cockroach! I still don't know what to make of that!)

My thoughts on the world of education not withstanding, my sister went on to write:

"You provide hope to those who have children who aren't working to potential!"

So there you have it. My new found purpose in life is to provide hope to parents whose children are not working to potential!

Hopefully, by this time next week I will have something exciting to report.


Anonymous said...

Sorry dude, no offense... but as far as house blogs go, this is getting pretty lame.


Anonymous said...

I agree Hugo, Donnie is clearly not living up to his potential. If he would just apply himself a bit more, I'm sure he could improve his blog.

As I've said on my show many times, Reminding Don that he is not the same as other kids can be a problem. His parents should talk to his teachers about not making him feel so set apart from the other children because that can become a negative to him. There are a lot of really smart kids who absolutely take a step back and start failing purposefully because they don't want to be seen as a brainiac!

I've asked Don's parents to review this and try to turn this pattern around before it's too late:

Maximizing your child's potential

I'm looking forward to seeing Don return to his full blogging potential. If we don't see quick progress, we may have to suspend privileges, perhaps discontinuing his "Mechanix Illustrated" or "Classic Teardrop Trailers" magazines.

And remember: You can't change what you don't acknowledge.

Get Real. Get Smart. Get Going
Dr Phil

Anonymous said...

Hi Don,

Don't listen to that big meanie Dr Phil. You are a good person, you just need to do what you know you need to do, then do it! It's that easy! As I've said many times on my show, Don't worry so much about your self-esteem. Worry more about your character. Integrity is its own reward

Follow these simple guides and your blog will be up to it's full potential before you know it:

- Don't spend time beating on a wall, hoping to transform it into a door.

- The people and circumstances around me do not MAKE me what I am, they REVEAL who I am.

- People with integrity do what they say they are going to do.
Others have excuses

- You don't go by your feelings. You do what is right

Now Go Take On The Day!

Dr Laura

Anonymous said...

Hello Don,

You are what you are and where you are because of what has gone into your mind. You can change what you are and where you are by changing what goes into your mind.

And I don't care how much power, brilliance or energy you have, if you don't harness it and focus it on a specific target, and hold it there you're never going to accomplish as much as your ability warrants.

When we can identify a problem and face the problem with confidence and enthusiasm, the solution is on the way.

Remember, It is your attitude, not your aptitude, that determines your altitude!

Your friend,


Unknown said...

these comments are weird.