Sunday, April 15, 2007

more progress! and happy birthday to someone!

Technology can be a powerful tool, as evidenced by this very blog. On the other hand, technology can have its challenges, as evidenced by this weeks photos.

I'm not too sure what I did, but I do know it was cold and windy and I was in a hurry and somehow I've got balloons and a "happy birthday" caption on all the pictures. So, I don't know whose birthday it is, but Happy Birthday nonetheless.

Oh well, progress has been made. On Monday, the siding crew showed up. With many work crews today, English is a second language. With this crew, it wasn't even a second language. What I do know is they showed up for four days, worked very hard, did nice work and then loaded up their ladders and left. The 80 percent that they completed looks good, as evidenced by the photos. What I don't know is when they will come back. But what I do know is they don't get paid until it's done.

(The big sections in the pictures that do not have siding are where the stone will go. They have yet to finish the fireplace end of the house and some porch trim).

On the inside we passed some more crucial inspections and hope to pass one more this week and then insulate and sheetrock.

So, as I have said every week for the last three weeks, hopefully next time this week we will have sheetrock.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey it was close to my birthday, duh
