Saturday, February 24, 2007

More progress! And your input needed!

Well, a couple of things happened this week. First, the waterproofing crew came and waterproofed the outside of the basement walls with some kind of rubbery grey green stuff. Then the plumbers came and set the sewer lines under the slab and tied them into the old sewer line that goes out to the street. And finally, the slab crew came and started getting ready to pour the basement floor. So that is good.

Once the sewer lines get inspected the slab guys can finish forming up the slab and pour the basement floor. And then framing can start. So hopefully, by this time next week we will have some pictures that look a little like a house!

We also met with a good friend from long ago who is a kitchen designer. This led to all kinds of issues, one of which was counter tops. I had suggested earlier we consider going with a laminate counter top with an aluminum edge banding. Obviously, in today's world of granite this and marble that, this is probably somewhat unusual, but I think it would have a lot of character and could work well. The question becomes what color.

I'm leaning toward "Red Hot Allusion" (which you can see here; use your "back" button to get back to this page when done) although the primary user of the kitchen is not there with me just yet. (After all, "Red Hot Allusion" is "a sizzling red with Latin and Cuban influence"; who would not want that?) So, if you have any suggestions, let's hear them before it's too late. (And yes, I have already considered and dismissed "Viva! Allusion" (which is New) so no need suggesting that one).


Alan said...

Viva Allusion...... looks like the same orangish/coral with a hint of mauve thrown in that your tool cabinets used to be.

Yep, that'd look fine in your kitchen! I'd even make it a theme for the whole house..... maybe the external trim???

I'm with your boss on this one..... :-)

I'm reminded of a Spaniard who once said: "You keep picking that color..... I don't think it looks like what you think it looks like!"

(With apologies to "Princess Bride")

Great progress, I like the green sealant.

Have fun!


Alan said...

Viva Allusion...... looks like the same orangish/coral with a hint of mauve thrown in that your tool cabinets used to be.

Yep, that'd look fine in your kitchen! I'd even make it a theme for the whole house..... maybe the external trim???

I'm with your boss on this one..... :-)

I'm reminded of a Spaniard who once said: "You keep picking that color..... I don't think it looks like what you think it looks like!"

(With apologies to "Princess Bride")

Great progress, I like the green sealant.

Have fun!


Alan said...

I'm stuck in a loop.....
I'm stuck in a loop.......

Same as it ever was........
Same as it ever was........
Same as it ever was........
Same as it ever was........
Same as it ever was........
Same as it ever was........
Same as it ever was........

Bzzzzt! (Sorry for the double post, it made me move my acct to google, then posted it again!)


Unknown said...

...hmmmm How about a theme color?

Like PR1001 (Paper Flambe'), DCN002 (FireDance) or ES6003 (Smoke Essence)??

..or go with the empty nester theme of EM6001(Aged Elements), ES6001(Grey Essence) or ALN002(Decadent Allusion) ???

or sum it all with RE4001(Urban Renewal) ???

LOL, gilf

Unknown said...

as long as its not urban putty