Saturday, February 3, 2007

Got dirt!

So, we got a permit and had the ashes hauled off and have started grading. (For those in the know, the horizontal line of sand in the bank at the back of the picture is where the courtyard used to be).

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Little-known story that has been cropping up in my mind lately, for reasons that will become obvious...

Once upon a time my mother handed me an old credit card and told me to destroy it. I don't know if she thought I would think it would be fun or if she thought I would do a good job. Both were true. I started by cutting it into four pieces and disposed of each piece separately. One I put in the regular kitchen trash. One I dropped down the bathtub drain. I can't remember one of the drop spots, but taking it to school and putting it in the trash there is not out of the question. And the last piece I buried in some sand that was about to be bricked over in the backyard. I looked carefully in this picture but I didn't see it. I think it was a Mastercard.