Well, several things have happened since the last post.
Let me start by commenting on blogging. While blogging is not all that difficult, it is a commitment of sorts. First, you need to find the time to do it, preferably on a regular basis. Second, you need to have something of substance to say. And third, you need to be in a frame of mind where you can attempt to write a cohesive and meaningful post, which is not always easy. So, as with most things in life, items done well, be them blogging or skiing or painting or whatever, are harder than they look. And, as I have demonstrated, even items not done particularly well can also be harder than they look.
But, I digress. We are in the house. We moved what little possessions we'd acquired and bought more. I have discovered stores will actually deliver and set up furniture for you. This is a nice feature, especially when you live one flight of stairs up on top of a hill.
The house is beautiful. I never imagined living in such a fine house. The 100+ year old glass door knobs are spectacular and the vintage school house lights look great. God is good.
Unfortunately, we live in a fallen world, where, even as believers, we are not immune to the traumas of this life, whatever form they may take. But many times there can be silver linings to such events, and this was no exception. One of those silver linings was being given front row seats from which we could watch God's hands at work in caring for his children. I now understand a little more of what Paul was speaking of toward the end of Ephesians 3 where he said "to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine . . ."
We've been given more than we could ask or imagine. We had no bed to call our own, yet always had a place to sleep. We had just a few clothes to call our own, yet always had plenty to wear. We had no food of our own to eat or plates and silverware to eat it with yet were given more food than we could eat. God is good.
I don't recommend house fires. But I feel we've been blessed in more ways from this than we will ever comprehend. I continue to hope and pray much good will come from this, including someone, somewhere, coming to know Christ as a result. A brother in law, a good and godly man, reminded me after the fire that "God doesn't waste our pain". Well said.
While there are still many little tasks that need to be completed on the house, it's time to end this blog. Thank you for your concern, your care, your gifts of love and your prayers. They have all been appreciated, more than you will ever imagine.